Workout 12/02/2016

Leg day! My first morning workout in a long time where I haven’t eaten/had a coffee beforehand, so that was interesting. It’s hard to tell how much it effected me though – could have been a bad sleep last night too. I did pretty well, it was mostly that I felt sleepy!!

3 sets:

  • 10 x straight leg deadlifts (50 kg, 50 kg, 60 kg)
  • 45 second wall sit
  • 2 x 15 metre duck walk

3 sets:

  • Speedy hurt terminal sled push (50 kg added weight)

Workout 4/02/2016

Today was leg day with my PT – and it felt like the total opposite to my last workout. I had energy, drive, and pushed through the tough bits. I got a PB on the trap bar, pushed through walking lunges (which I often can’t) and did a new exercise on the leg curl. Positive stuff.

3 sets:

  • 6 x trap bar deadlifts (75 kg, 85 kg, 85 kg)
  • 24 x walking lunges

3 sets:

  • 10 x 1 and a Quarter leg curls (17 kg, 20 kg, 15 kg – I went down a weight at the end because I completed the last set by myself, and needed to get through to the end of the 10 reps)

Workout 27/01/2016

Leg day with PT. Got to the gym this morning and got a minor visual migraine – given that there’s no pain associated with it there was no reason not to work out, but what I discovered was the for some reason the visual migraine seemed to trigger lots of dizzy spells. So it was an interesting workout- but it’s a workout that I finished, so that’s positive!

3 sets:

  • 10 x free weight leg press (100 kg, 120 kg, 140 kg)
  • 20 x jump box squats

3 sets:

  • 12 x raised-heel back squats (20 kg – barbell only, no additional weights)
  • 20 x side lunges

Workout – 9/01/2016

Saturday’s workout was a 10 km hike. We headed to the Thousand Steps with the intention of doing the steps themselves a couple of times, but it turns out that we and most of Melbourne thought that the steps were a good idea. The car parking was crazy, and there were people everywhere, so we decided to walk what I’m pretty sure is the Bellview Terrace track. It’s the track we normally walk down, having walked up the steps – it’s about 4/5 km, and although it’s steep, it’s nothing like the crazy downhill on the Lyrebird track which most people take.

So anyway, we did a solid 4-5 km uphill, then returned on the same track. My glutes were definitely saying hello by the end of the uphill – there’s enough challenging bits to make it worthwhile, and enough flat(ter) hills to make it enjoyable.