LnE week 2 results

Week 2 results are in, and they prove that week 1 wasn’t a fluke. In week 2 of Lite N Easy I lost another 1.4 kg, which brings my total to 2.9 kg so far (and actually when I re-weighed myself it was 1.5 kg for the week, but I’d already logged my results in my app so that extra 100g can just jump onto next week’s results).

I’m really happy with how it’s going – I’m eating heaps, and varied foods, and getting the results I was needing from a psychological perspective. Quick wins, but safe and sustainable wins. I’m still planning on being on LnE for about 6 weeks, but I can see myself wanting to stay on longer to really keep the momentum going. For week 3 (which I started yesterday) I decided to stick with the Jump Start program, where I do 16:8 fasting for two days. I’m finding those days pretty easy, and I think they’re having an effect.

During the week we had my daughter’s birthday party and I was a bit worried about how I was going to approach it food-wise. I ended up eating my full breakfast, then not eating again until about 2:30 pm when the party started. I then ate what I wanted to (mostly cheese, fruit and some fairy bread), but didn’t go crazy. At the end of the night we ended up ordering fish and chips for an easy dinner (we weren’t at home otherwise LnE dinner would have been the REALLY easy option), and I ate it but didn’t over-eat. Nor did I under-eat though – I enjoyed it.

In the past when I’ve been eating LCHF/keto a meal like that would have completely set me back, as carbs being reintroduced to my system would have bloated me and brought me out of ketosis. Instead, I was absolutely fine. I still lost weight. I didn’t bash myself up. I ate sensible portions. And although I wouldn’t have had a calorie deficit for the day, it wasn’t disastrous in the context of the whole week.

J was asking me the other day what habits LnE is helping be break and form, and I listed off a whooooole lot, so I’ll probably come back and write a different post about that. Also about how I plan on converting those learnings across to ‘real life’.

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